Top 10 Tips To Learn New Skills (Now and Forever)

Top 10 Tips To Learn New Skills (Now and Forever)

Are you looking to learn something new? Do you want to become a master at something? Or maybe you just want to make yourself more valuable to potential employers.

Once you have a goal, make sure that you put in the effort to learn new skills. You will need to be disciplined and dedicated so that you can accomplish your goal.

It is impossible to achieve our goals if we are not willing to work hard at them. We should all set challenging goals for ourselves but how we go about achieving them is up to us.

What’s more, we must keep learning things after they become habits to see why they became habits. This way, we continue to build on what we already know.

In this article, we will go over 10 tips to help you learn new skills.

1. Stay Focused

10 Tips To Learn New Skills


Easier said than done right? It is important to stay focused when learning anything new because it takes time to get used to doing something differently. If you try to do too many things at once, you may end up getting distracted from one thing to another.

I’m always thinking, talking about, and researching new technologies and methods. Often, I am deeply involved in one or two projects related to my work or something that I am interested in.

It is very difficult for me to focus on anything because I keep looking forward to the next exciting thing.

If you struggle to stay focused on what you are doing, then it might be time to have a conversation with yourself. Ask yourself whether you really want to do this or not. If you don’t, then stop wasting your time.

You may also ask yourself why you are doing this. Are you trying to impress someone? Do you think that this will help you get ahead? Or maybe you just like the challenge of learning something new.

Whatever the reason, you should try to find out why you are doing this before you start. Once you understand why you are doing this, you will be able to decide whether you still want to pursue this path.

Whether you are learning from books, videos, workshops, or by attending events, finding ways to spend less time watching television and more time engaging in activities that you enjoy can make a difference in how much information you retain and use.

2. Set goals

10 Tips To Learn New Skills


Even if you’re not sure how to finish what you start, it helps to have goals set for yourself. You can set deadlines for yourself, or even just general milestones such as “finish by next week”.

This way you know what needs to be done and don’t wait until the last minute. Make a goal of how long this project will take you, and then work out from there.

You can also make your goals personal/financial rather than time-related. For example, ask yourself whether this project is worth money (make an estimate).

Does doing this other job pay off in terms of more sales? More interactions with customers? A better experience helping people? Then do that project.

Only then can you evaluate which goal is the most important to you. And keep learning new skills every day.

There are many free tools to help you stay organised and plan your tasks. Some of these include Trello, Asana, Todoist, Wunderlist, Google Calendar, etc. One of my favourites is donedone, it is very simple to use and helps me get the job done.

3. Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to learning new skills. It is important to practice these skills every day until you master them.

This means that you should spend some time each week practising your new skill. You could read through a book, watch a video, go to a workshop, etc.

The best way to learn is by practicing. The more you practice, the faster you will improve.

As you know and hear 1000 times, Practice makes perfect!

Practice doesn’t mean memorizing facts and figures. It means using your new knowledge in real-life situations. For example, if you are learning how to code, you need to practice writing programs.

If you are learning how to speak Spanish, you need to practice speaking in front of others.

4. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

This is really really important. When you first begin learning a new skill, you probably feel like everyone else around you knows everything about it already.

But remember:

Everyone has their own pace at which they learn things.

Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. Focus on yourself and your progress.

5. Take advantage of free learning opportunities

There are many free resources for you to learn new skills. You can find apps that teach you new things easily, as well as online classes that cost you nothing but time.

There are also associations that provide people like you with courses to enhance your knowledge and skill set. Whatever you choose to pursue, these resources can help you get closer to where you want to be.

Wherever possible, try to avoid investing in training that only offers credentials for one profession. Learn different skills so you can apply them across multiple industries. Diversifying your skill set will give you a competitive edge over others who have limited options. For example, if you are a blogger, you can learn SEO or content marketing. Or if you are a web developer, you can learn UX design.

6. Join a new club

10 Tips To Learn New Skills

There’s a famous quote by Albert Einstein that says, “Most people are about as happy as they allow themselves to be.” He was talking about happiness in general, but I think we can apply this to learning new skills as well.

We all have limits to how much we can learn through education or training. We also have limitations on how social we want to be (we all need some time to ourselves to focus on our own needs),and we have limits on what income levels can afford.

Joining a new club or association allows you to meet other people who share similar interests. This gives you access to new ideas, information, and experiences.

This may open the path for you to make friends with experts.

You may not realise it, but there are lots of people out there who are experts in certain fields. They might work in an office, or they might run a business. But they still have experience and expertise that you can benefit from.

7. Ask for help

10 Tips To Learn New Skills

It is important to recognize that everyone needs assistance learning new skills.

This is especially true of things like coding, writing, and designing a landing page which has an underlying theory but also takes practice.

If you don’t feel able to do this yourself, there are resources available to help you. The Internet is full of overwhelming resources that can help you learn anything you want to know. You just have to find the right ones for you.

Whatever resource(s) you choose, rely on them. You deserve it! If you haven’t already, set some time aside to try to understand why others find what they do fun and useful.

Asking for help is good, if you don't ask you never know. It shows respect for those who have been doing something for longer than you have. And it helps you build relationships with people who can help you along the way.

8. Try experiments

10 Tips To Learn New Skills

At its core, learning is about trying new things, being aware of your current limitations, and becoming confident in your ability to overcome them.

Everyone is capable of more than they think, but fear of failure can make you feel too scared or insecure to try something.

That’s why it’s important to have confidence in yourself, and that starts with believing you can learn new skills.

Come up with a list of items you want to try and a reason for each one.

Maybe you want to try cooking a meal once a week because you're bored with your previous attempts.

Try testing different ways of doing things (for example, see how many foods you can freeze successfully).

This way you'll find out which methods are most effective for you.

9. Establish a routine

10 Tips To Learn New Skills

Even if you’re not an early riser, it can still be helpful to have a routine.

When you start learning a new skill, create a custom morning ritual that involves getting ready for work or school.

For instance, put on your headphones and play some music, surf the net or download apps/tasks until breakfast is ready.

This way, when you wake up, you feel more prepared to begin your day. You also avoid having to find things to do in the middle of the day (unless something really comes up).

In fact, try establishing a habit of starting your day with this simple act to get yourself moving.

Put away the phone: When was the last time you checked your phone right after waking up? If you need to take two seconds to turn off your cell device, then do so. Then readjust your daily habits to include turning off the phone before entering your own home.

Don’t forget about these other practical things you can do to unchain yourself from your smartphone.

10. Take advantage of technology

There are many things we can do to increase our ability to learn new things, along with usages and uses for existing tools. Technology is already creating ways of helping us make use of tools that might have seemed too hard.

Digital tools can make it easier to learn new skills, including remote learning via online classes or learning programs such as YouTube videos.

If you’re interested in learning a language, consider using Skillcify provides great resources to sharpen your skills with free / paid lessons and allows you to practice at your own pace. For example, you can learn skills like blogging, affiliate marketing, WordPress hosting or VPS configuration.

You can also find local academic institutions offering courses in using software applications like Microsoft Excel that may help.

Make use of social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. They can likewise assist you in becoming more savvy and knowledgeable about current events and developments.

10 Tips To Learn New Skills

In conclusion, learning new skills doesn't have to be hard. With a bit of dedication and hard work, you can master anything from playing the guitar to cooking to writing to painting.

In fact, it can actually be easier than you think. Just keep these three simple rules in mind: 

  1. Don't worry too much about whether you're going to succeed right away;
  2. Be patient with yourself; 
  3. Keep practicing!

The last rule is especially important because it means that you won't ever become discouraged. Instead, you'll stay motivated and determined to keep trying until you finally master your new skill. So, whenever you feel like giving up, remind yourself of these three tips instead. They'll help you to stay focused and never let failure get the best of you!


Article by Bill

Published 26 Jul 2022