Everything You Need to Know About Scheduling Instagram Posts

Everything You Need to Know About Scheduling Instagram Posts

Instagram is a great way to share your content and messages with your target audience. With its billion-plus monthly active users, it has become a platform that businesses and individuals alike cannot ignore. But how can you make sure that you’re getting the most out of your Instagram marketing efforts? Scheduling Instagram posts is the key to efficient content promotion.

By scheduling your posts, you can create a consistent presence on your Instagram page while making sure that your posts reach the right audience at the right time.

In this article, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to know about scheduling Instagram posts. You’ll learn why scheduling is important, how to do it effectively, and the best tools for scheduling Instagram posts. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to make sure that your posts are seen by the right people at the right time.

Let's begin:

1. Creating content in advance

One of the most important parts of scheduling your Instagram posts is creating content in advance. This gives you the flexibility to plan ahead and have content ready to post when the time is right. It also allows you to take advantage of trends and timely topics without having to scramble around to create something.

To make the most of this, you should create a content calendar that outlines upcoming posts and topics in advance. This will help you stay organized and make sure you’re always ready with something great to post. The tools section we will discuss later in this post includes some useful apps that can help you create an effective content calendar.

2. Choosing the right times to schedule your posts

Scheduling your Instagram posts isn't just about planning ahead; it's also about choosing the right times to post. There are two main types of posting schedules: daily and weekly. Daily posting means that you'll post every day, but only once per day. Weekly posting means that you'll only post once per week, but multiple times throughout the week.

Both options have their pros and cons, so let's look at them more closely.

Daily posting:

The biggest benefit of daily posting is that you get to choose exactly what days you want to post. If you're looking to promote a new product or service, then you may want to focus on promoting it during certain days of the week.

For example:

If you sell shoes, you might want to post on Tuesdays because that's when many people buy shoes. On the other hand, if you sell makeup, you might want to focus on Thursdays because that's when women tend to go shopping.

The downside of daily posting is that it can be overwhelming. Because you have to think about which days you want to post, you won't have any free time to work on other things. Also, there's no guarantee that you'll hit your goal each day. If you miss one day, then you've wasted valuable time and money.

Weekly posting:

With weekly posting, you don't have to worry about hitting your goals each day. Instead, you simply post once per week, and you can use the rest of the week to work on other projects. This makes weekly posting ideal for businesses that offer products or services that aren't seasonal.

For example:

If your business sells clothing, you could post once a month instead of once a week. That way, you can still promote your brand, but you won't feel like you're missing out on sales opportunities.

Another benefit of weekly posting is that it helps you avoid burnout. When you're constantly working on social media, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Weekly posting lets you spread yourself thin over several different platforms, giving you the opportunity to enjoy life outside of social media.

Irrespective of whether you decide to do daily or weekly posting you can schedule your posts in advance.

3. Benefits of scheduling posts

Scheduling Instagram posts is a great way to ensure that your content is being delivered to your audience at the best possible time. It also helps you keep a consistent presence on the platform. Here are some of the benefits of scheduling Instagram posts:

  • Stay Organized: Scheduling posts in advance allows you to be more organized and ensures that your posts will go out on time. You can also plan content in batches and schedule multiple posts at once.
  • Save Time: Scheduling posts ahead of time will save you a lot of time. You won’t have to worry about having to manually post on the day of or rush to get a post up if you get busy.
  • Consistency: With scheduling, you can plan to post at consistent times and maintain a steady presence on Instagram. This helps you to appear more professional and also allows you to reach a wider audience.

The next section discusses some tips to keep in mind as you start scheduling your posts:

4. Strategies for scheduling posts

Scheduling your Instagram posts ahead of time is an important part of managing your account. After all, it helps you stay consistent with your posting schedule and ensures that your content is always fresh and interesting.


How do you go about it?

Here are two strategies for scheduling Instagram posts:

  • Pre-planning. This involves taking the time to plan out your posts in advance. This can be done through a calendar, spreadsheet, or any other method that works for you. Pre-planning allows you to stay organized and consistent with your posting schedule.
  • Automation. Automation tools, such as the tools we discuss below, can help you streamline your scheduling process. These tools allow you to schedule posts in bulk and automate the process of posting so that you don’t have to manually do it yourself.

Here are 17 proven tips to help you begin your scheduling process

1. Choose a consistent posting schedule

When scheduling your posts, it's best to stick to a regular pattern. For example, if you usually post twice a week, then you should aim to post three times per week. This will allow you to maintain consistency while avoiding burnout.

2. Schedule your posts around events

You can also schedule your posts based on events. For example, if your company has a big event coming up, such as a conference or trade show, then you can plan to post about it before the event takes place.

3. Use the right hashtags

Hashtags are a vital part of Instagram marketing. They allow you to connect with specific groups of people who share similar interests. However, they're not always useful. Some hashtags are too broad, meaning that they attract lots of unrelated content. Other hashtags are too narrow, meaning that they attract very few relevant images.

To make sure that you're using the most effective hashtags, try this simple test:

Look through your feed and see how many photos contain the hashtag.

Compare that number to the total number of photos posted by your followers.

If the percentage is low, then you probably need to broaden your search.

4. Don't forget to include links

Links are an important part of Instagram marketing. Not only does linking help you build relationships with influencers, but it also allows you to drive traffic back to your website. To get started, check out our guide on how to create link-worthy content.

5. Be patient

Scheduling your posts isn't something that happens overnight. It takes time to learn what works and what doesn't. As you gain experience, you'll find that you can quickly increase your engagement rate.

6. Keep track of your results

Once you begin scheduling your posts, it can be hard to know which ones worked and which didn't. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools available to help you monitor your progress. One popular option is Hootsuite. The tool tracks all of your activity across multiple accounts at once, so you can easily compare your performance against others.

7. Experiment

As you grow your account, you may want to experiment with new strategies. If you notice that certain types of posts perform better than others, then you can use those tactics more often.

8. Consider automation

Automation is another way to save time when scheduling your posts. With automated scheduling, you can set up rules for your account that automatically send a particular type of image to a particular audience.

9. Manage expectations

As you begin scheduling your posts more frequently, you might start noticing some changes in your follower count. While it's normal to lose followers over time, it's important to remember that this is just one aspect of social media marketing.

10. Think long term

The key to success on Instagram is building a strong community of engaged followers. By scheduling your posts regularly, you're helping to keep them interested in your brand. But don't expect instant results. In order to reap the full benefits of Instagram marketing, you have to put in the work.

11. Stay consistent

The best way to ensure that your followers continue to engage with your posts is to stay consistent. This means posting consistently throughout the week, rather than waiting until Monday morning to hit publish.

12. Focus on quality

While consistency is important, it's equally important to focus on high-quality content. When you post good content, your followers will naturally follow suit.

13. Use analytics

Analytics give you insight into everything from your overall performance to the demographics of your followers. These insights can help you improve your strategy as you go along.

14. Make it easy for users to follow you

One of the easiest ways to boost your following is by making it easier for people to follow you. There are several different options for doing this. For example, you could add a button to your profile or include a "follow" icon next to each photo.

15. Get creative

If you've been using Instagram for a while now, you probably already have a pretty good idea of what kinds of photos tend to do well. However, if you haven't yet tried any specific techniques, then it's worth experimenting. Try out different styles and see how they affect your engagement rates.

16. Be patient

Building an active Instagram presence won't happen overnight. Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately see results. Instead, stick with it and watch your numbers slowly rise.

17. Share other people's content

Sharing other people's content is a great way to build relationships with influencers in your niche. It also helps you gain exposure to new audiences who wouldn't otherwise find you.

These tips should help you get started with Instagram marketing.

4. Tools to help automate scheduling

Automating your Instagram scheduling can save you a lot of time and effort. There are a number of tools that can help you streamline the process of scheduling and posting to your account. Here are four of the most popular tools to help you automate your Instagram scheduling:

  • Buffer: Buffer is a well-known and easy-to-use social media scheduling tool. It allows you to create a content calendar and schedule posts in advance. It also provides analytics to help you understand the performance of your posts.
  • Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a powerful social media scheduling tool that allows you to manage multiple accounts in one place. It allows you to create and schedule posts in advance, as well as manage your followers and monitor conversations around your brand.
  • Later: Later is a visual scheduling tool that allows you to drag and drop content into a calendar and schedule posts in advance. It also has an image library and allows you to upload multiple photos and videos at once.
  • Tailwind: Tailwind is an Instagram scheduling and analytics tool that helps you plan, schedule, and analyze your posts. It also provides suggestions for content ideas and helps you optimize your posting

5. Tips for optimizing content

Once you have a content plan for your Instagram posts, you’ll want to consider optimizing your content for maximum engagement. Here are five tips to help you do just that:

  • Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags allow your content to be seen by users outside of your followers, so use them strategically to reach a broader audience.
  • Include calls to action. Ask your followers to like, comment, or share your posts to increase engagement.
  • Post consistently. Posting regularly will help your followers stay engaged, as well as help you build trust and credibility.
  • Keep your captions short and sweet. Captions should be succinct and to the point.
  • Utilize visuals. Visuals can help make your content more eye-catching and engaging. Don’t forget to add a relevant image or video to your post!

To summarise, scheduling Instagram posts can be an effective way to maximize your reach and engagement on the platform. You can use free or paid tools to create a content calendar, plan ahead, and schedule your Instagram posts ahead of time. It's important to remember the frequency of your posts and to mix up the times that you post to optimize the visibility of your content. With a little planning and a few tools, you can use scheduling to make the most of your Instagram presence.

Start today and grow your business on Instagram.


Article by Bill

Published 22 Nov 2022