Best Ways To Manage Your Time Online

Best Ways To Manage Your Time Online

Time management is essential for success in any endeavour. But managing your time online is even harder because you have access to information 24/7.

You probably spend hours every day scrolling through articles, watching videos, or reading comments on blogs. While these activities might seem harmless at first glance, they can take a toll on our mental health.

We live in a constantly connected age where information is readily accessible. This means that we often become distracted from important tasks because we simply cannot resist checking out new posts or refreshing our feeds.

Time management is a skill that many people struggle with. In fact, most people feel overwhelmed by how little time they have to do everything they want to do. It's not surprising that time management skills aren't taught in schools because they're just as important as math, science, English, history, etc.

It's important to understand how much time you spend on each task and where you should allocate your resources. Believe it or not, time management is an important skill to master if you want to become successful online. It's easy to fall into bad habits, especially when you're just starting out.

Here are some tips to keep you on track:

1. Set a schedule

The first step towards managing your time online is setting yourself a schedule. You should set aside specific times throughout the day to complete tasks. If you have a job where you work at different places during the week, then try to find a way to block out those hours for doing things that take longer than 15 minutes. Use tools like Google Calendar to help keep track of these blocks of time. If you are managing a business, tools like can save you so much time and help you organize.

2. Manage your email inbox

Email is an unavoidable aspect of today's world. Managing your email inbox takes a lot of time, especially if you're sending hundreds of emails each day. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, make sure you only check your email once per hour (or even less frequently). Try using filters to sort your messages based on who they're coming from and what kind of message they are. is an effective tool to declutter your inbox and save you time.

3. Focus on quality over quantity

If you spend too much time trying to get everything done, you'll end up spending more time getting things done than actually accomplishing them. Instead, focus on completing the task at hand. If you need to do something later, then put it off until tomorrow. When you feel like you've accomplished enough, stop working.

4. Organize your social media accounts

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are great for keeping in touch with friends and family. However, they can also become a distraction if you let them consume too much of your time. Make sure you limit the amount of time you spend on social media each day. Also, make sure you follow people who inspire you rather than posting about how awesome you are all the time.

5. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is a myth. While some people may think they can accomplish two or three things at once, the reality is that we cannot split our attention between several things at once. Doing so makes us less effective and increases the chances of making mistakes. Therefore, if you want to accomplish anything worthwhile, stay focused on one thing at a time.

6. Keep your goals simple

When you have a clear goal in mind, it's easier to achieve success. Even though you might not always know exactly what you want to accomplish, having a general idea helps you stay motivated. If you don't know what you want to achieve, ask someone else who knows you well to give you feedback.

7. Be disciplined

Discipline is the practice of being able to control your actions and behaviours. Discipline requires self-control; therefore, you won't be successful without it. Being disciplined means taking action and sticking to your plans. When you have a plan, you're more likely to succeed.

8. Get organized

The first step toward managing your time online is getting organized. In order to do this, you need to have a plan. Make sure you set aside specific times for each task and stick to them. If you find yourself wasting time on social media sites, then cut down your use. Just don’t delete any accounts – instead, just block access to certain pages.

9. Set goals

Once you’ve got a plan, make sure you write down what you want to achieve. You might not always reach these goals, but if they are written down, you know where you need to go next.

10. Track your progress

You should also track how much time you spend using various websites. There are many apps out there that allow you to keep tabs on your time spent online. Once you start tracking your usage, you will begin to understand whether your internet habits are costing you money or not.

11. Find balance

It’s important to maintain a good work-life balance. Too much screen time can lead to burnout, so try setting limits on your computer usage. It may be hard at first, but once you get started, you’ll soon realize that being productive doesn’t require staying glued to a screen!

12. Be mindful

This goes hand in hand with finding balance. Try to avoid multitasking while working online. Instead, focus on one thing at a time. Remember that you only have 24 hours in a day, so don’t let distractions take away from those precious hours.

13. Make time for fun

While you shouldn’t rely solely on technology to manage your time, it does help when used properly. For example, a little bit of gaming every now and again isn’t going to break the bank. So make sure you allocate some time for fun. This could mean playing games online, watching videos, browsing through social media sites or even reading blogs.

14. Don’t procrastinate

Procrastination is another common problem among busy individuals. If you wait until the last minute to complete tasks, you will never finish them. Instead, make sure you put off all the boring stuff as long as possible and tackle the more exciting ones first.

15. Learn to say no

If you find yourself saying yes to things all the time, then you’re probably overdoing it. While it’s okay to accept an invitation occasionally, you should also learn to say no. Saying yes to too many requests will leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Plus, it’s bad for your health.

16. Take breaks

If you feel like you’re constantly clicking away at the keyboard, it’s time to take a break. Go outside for a walk, play a game or watch a movie. The key here is to give yourself enough time to relax. Taking frequent breaks will prevent you from burning out.

17. Use timers

Using timers is another way to stop procrastinating. By putting a timer on your computer, you will automatically stop doing whatever activity you were doing before. This means you won’t be able to click away forever.

18. Work smart, not hard

In order to manage your time effectively, you must understand how to prioritize tasks. There will always be lots of things to do, and you simply cannot do everything. So choose wisely what to spend your time on. A simple Google calendar app will keep track of everything for you.

19. Keep up with trends

Technology changes rapidly, which means new apps come out all the time. However, this doesn’t mean you need to follow the latest trend. In fact, following trends might actually cost you more than it saves you. So instead, stick to proven methods and techniques.

20. Reward yourself

Finally, reward yourself after completing a task successfully. You deserve a treat after getting something done. Whether it’s a cupcake or a nice dinner, just make sure you enjoy it.

In conclusion, managing your time online can seem like a daunting task. There are so many different websites, apps, and services available to help you keep track of everything from your social media accounts to your emails. But if you want to stay organized and productive, you shouldn't have to sacrifice quality time with your loved ones just because you're trying to squeeze in a little bit of extra work.

The key is to prioritize your tasks. Start by setting aside specific times each day (or week) when you focus solely on your productivity. Then, set up reminders to check your email during these designated periods, and block out certain hours when you won't allow yourself to look at anything except work. This way, you can ensure that you spend your free time doing what matters most: spending time with your family, hanging out with your friends, and enjoying the simple pleasures in life.


Article by Bill

Published 27 Jul 2022